From its foundation in the years following the Second World War until today, the Uniun Ladins Val Badia and the numerous volunteers who have been part of it have done a lot for the preservation and the promotion of Ladin culture and language.
Various publications have been released under its name: the chronicle “Sas dla Crusc”, the book of legends and tales “An cunta che...”, the agenda for students, the “Cufer de stories cun CD”, “Tichetitach le milepîsc”, “le Saltier”, etc.
Together we can develop and cultivate our linguistic and cultural heritage.
Silvester Erlacher, Ujöp Pizzinini, Franzl Pizzinini and Stachio Costa.
During the first 20 years after its foundation as a subsection of the Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites and, the Uniun Ladins Val Badia has been managed by a few volunteers, whose main aim was that of bringing the Ladin people to appreciate and be aware of their heritage. Among these were Ujöp Pizzinini, priest of La Val, Dr. Alejio Baldissera, teacher and jurist, Prof. Silvester Erlacher, director of the elementary school of Urtijëi / Ortisei and editor of the „Usc di Ladins“, the teacher and director of the elementary school of Val Badia Franzl Pizzinini, the teacher Stachio Costa (president of the ULVB during its first 15 years and correspondent for various newspapers and the RAI Ladina), the teacher Sepl Moling of La Val, Dr. Franz Vittur, the teacher Tone Tolpeit, the teacher Scebio Pescollderungg.
The ULVB has organized various concerts with different choirs from Val Badia.
During its first years of activity, the main field of the ULVB was that of managing the Ladin media: running the cultural section of the RAI Ladina and writing several articles for the newpapers of the time: “Alto Adige”, “Sonntagsblatt”, “Dolomiten”. The bulk of the collaborators of the “Usc di Ladins” was still made of ULVB members, who collaborated freely. Releasing publications was quite difficult back then, from the cost to the problems of editing. Publishing books for the teaching of Ladin at school was even a bigger problem, since a large part of the public criticized and opposed them. Nowadays they are largely appreciated and this shows what a long way we have come during these 50 years.
The “Dé Cultural Ladin” was an opportunity to dance in the traditional folk dresses.
Back then a Ladin Congress was held every 3 years, the “Congrès Internazional Ladin”, between Dolomites, Graubünden and Friuli. Its location changed in rotation, offering to all Ladins the possibility of hosting it. Furthermore, the single “Uniuns di Ladins” (of every valley) held a yearly Ladin cultural day. These were gatherings where topics regarding the Ladin identity, history and culture were discussed. The afternoon was usually dedicated to Ladin folk singing, theater and folklore, with parades, folk costumes and music.
In 1955 the “Uniuns di Ladins” of Val Badia and Gherdëina participated to the Lading Congress of Udine and 3 years later to that of Chur. In 1960 the „Cësa di Ladins“ of Urtijëi was built, domicile of the Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites.
The “Grup de Bal Popular” was founded by the ULVB.
On 27 August 1956, the general meeting of the ULVB was held at the “Crusc Blancia” inn in San Linêrt in Badia. First, the new president, Dr. Lois Ellecosta, was elected. Then, a provisional council 0f 10 members was established, with the goal of drafting a new statute, which was made official on 6 October 1967.
The first article of the statute describes the Uniun Ladins Val Badia ass follows: “The Uniun di Ladins, section Val Badia, is an association who aims to protect the interests and tackle the problems of the Ladin people. Its aim is to promote a Ladin awareness, helping, promoting and defending our language, our culture and our traditions. The Uniun intends to collaborate with all Ladin people.”
In 1976 the ULVB organized music classes. Following this experience, it founded the “Val Badia Musical School”.
The first issue of the chronicle “Sas dla Crusc” hosts an opening word by Dr. Lois Ellecosta, president of ULVB, in which he wants to explain the goals of the Uniun:
“The Uniun di Ladins is, as similar associations in Val Badia, a cultural association composed of Ladin people of our valley who want to work and support those working for keeping our language and culture alive. All activities of the Uniun serve this purpose. It is our duty to our ancestors to protect and sustain all that they gave us. Why should the modern Ladins abandon our centuries-old Ladin tradition which survived ages when our ancestors where mocked for not perfectly knowing the neighbor's language, while proudly continuing to speak and live as Ladins? Today we live in an age where we don't need to envy our neighboring populations anymore. This is way we should cherish our cultural heritage even more. It is thus every Ladin's duty to contribute in this sense, each one how he can.”
The ULVB has always supported people and associations who write and compose ladin songs.
Starting from its foundation, the Uniun Ladins Val Badia has always tried to fill the cultural gaps of our valley. It has released several publications, audio cassettes and CDs; it has organised various cultural, sports, musical, entertainment events; it has also tried to concretely support the authors of Ladin texts and songs. Through its activity it has contributed to raise the awareness of the Ladin people towards its status of minority language and identity, unique in the whole world.
During all these years the goals and meaning of the Uniun have been rediscussed various times. The ULVB deems it necessary to find the right path in this age of change and progress, as this had, have and will have a major impact on the Ladin language and culture as well.
Important parallel activities and events in the history of the Uniun Ladins Val Badia:
- Support to the „Jepele Frontull“ choir (official choir of the Uniun)
- Support to the „Sas dla Crusc“ library
- Foundation of the “Scora de Musiga”
- Foundation of the Fotoclub Val Badia
- Foundation of the Seziun Academics
- Foundation of the “Grup de Bal Popolar”